Archive for the 'A Day in the Life of…' Category

Migrating my blog

I have recently migrated my blog to a new host.

Changing Weakness into Strength

I read recently the story of a 10-year-old boy who decided to study judo despite the fact that he had lost his left arm in a devastating car accident. The boy began lessons with an old Japanese judo master. Continue reading ‘Changing Weakness into Strength’

Learning to use Demark Sequential

I have been asked about how the Demark Sequential Exhaustion signal is derived, and how it is applied. I have decided to offer a 10 hour course conducted online, limited to 4 participants per class. Contact me for details.

Shinkendo Shimbukan Singapore – Keiko Hajime 2007

Today was the first class of the new year 2007. We welcomed the new year with a good training session, made more enjoyable by the return of some old students who have decided to return for training in 2007.

Our dojo has been renamed as Shimbukan Singapore by Obata sensei. I have been appointed as Kenshuin and am now tasked to sustain and develop interest in Shinkendo here in Singapore. It is with humility that I accept this responsibility and am resolved to do my best for Shinkendo Shimbukan Singapore with the assistance of all  Singapore Shinkendo-ka and other well-wishers.

Continue reading ‘Shinkendo Shimbukan Singapore – Keiko Hajime 2007’

Inspiring Commencement Speech by Steve Jobs

I came across this Commencement speech by Steve Jobs. The advice he gives is based on his life experiences. There is always something to learn from people of Steve Job’s calibre.

Here is the text of his speech… Continue reading ‘Inspiring Commencement Speech by Steve Jobs’

CNBC’s interview with Buffet

There are two Buffets that I know of; Jimmy the singer songwriter, and Warren the world’s 2nd richest man. Continue reading ‘CNBC’s interview with Buffet’

The Refco party

Yesterday I attended the ex-Refco party, hosted by Tan Hup Thye, the sitting MD of Refco (Singapore) before the disaster in New York.

I’d like to put on record my debt of gratitude to this fine gentleman, who has a heart of gold (and also an acidic tongue!).

Boss, may your fishing always be bountiful, may your golf balls always find thier holes, all praise to your whisky and wine!

Post from Formosa

Taiwan is cool, temperature wise. It has been mainly feasting and travelling from one location to another. Tonight is my first opportunity to connect to the net. As I expected, there was a tonne of emails. Also had a chance to update some of my data, and take a quick look at charts. I will restart proper analysis after I return.

Away for holiday

I will be away for a short holiday, starting tomorrow 5 Dec and should be back on 12 Dec. Updates will depend on whether I can connent to the internet. If not, updates will resume after I return.

Emperor’s Mirror, updated for Swordsman and Trader

Emperors of Japan had 3 treasures that symbolised their authority. The Sword was the Sword that protected the people. The Jewel symbolised wealth for the country and its citizens. And the Mirror… ah the mirror…

Lonnie sensei always said that the mirror never lies. “If you smile, the mirror smiles; if you perform poor technique, mirror also performs poor technique. …”

Today, I came across this very concept in a very interesting post and it relates to trading…

Continue reading ‘Emperor’s Mirror, updated for Swordsman and Trader’

May 2024

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